Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6.14.10 Testing Day 1

Nicholas walked into the hospital relaxed, with sun bleached hair and a tan that makes me think whatever genes he has that do that for him were cruel to skip a generation (I suspect he was blessed with this from his father's lines). Needless to say, San Diego is treating him well! He did mention he can't get enough fish tacos, too; the new all-time favorite! Being the foodie that he is, he expressed enthusiasm for other foods beside fish tacos, like dungeness crabs, and we'll be going out for pizza later today. The hospital seems quite nice, with a piano in the lobby, palm trees and other accoutrements that make you feel as though it is more like a poshy hotel than a hospital.

He did well with all of the staff and made friends with the charge nurse when he asked about the availability of video games, movies and other necessary items for a teenage boy. Yesterday he had a VQ scan, chest x-ray and labwork. Today he'll be having EKG, echocardiogram, and a meeting with one of the many doctors involved.

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