Saturday, June 12, 2010

6.12.10 Lovenox

We are so fortunate to have so many people concerned about Nicholas, we appreciate all the kind words and thoughts. We've had such an outpouring of concern, that it has made it impossible to call everyone who would like updates personally, so I am going to have to do this in a very impersonal nature, the internet!

So, let me get started. Nicholas has been preparing for his upcoming surgery by changing the blood thinners he's required to take from long-acting Coumadin to a shorter acting Lovenox. This will help when it comes time for the surgery, he can stop the medication and won't bleed excessively (assisted with another technique where his body temperature will be lowered). He has had no adverse effects from changing medications, so we are off to a good start.

For those of you who aren't informed about the surgery itself, it is called Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy or PTE for short. The doctors will be removing old, hardened blood clots from Nick's lungs. This surgery will be performed in San Diego, California on June 21st, as long as he gets through the eligibility testing next week without issue. Of course, I will post more on that later.

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